Friday, May 22, 2009

Free-Form Beards On Parade

Gee, I think Yukon has a ways to go before he can claim such status as this competitor in the World Beard and Moustache Championships, going on this weekend in Anchorage.

Fortunate enough to be welcomed by the South Central Beard and Moustache Club as author of the Participant Guide, Yukon, Bear, and I attended the kick off event at Kincaid Park Wednesday evening.

Foreign languages floated around us as we stood in line for free beer and food (a guaranteed success in my book), gazing upon moustaches and beards the likes of which we had never seen before. With competitors coming from as far away as Australia, folks were certainly in an adventurous spirit, willing to chat with everybody. We were no different. I talked with some folks from our hometown of Port Angeles, WA, a nice gentleman from South Carolina, which made me eternally glad I do not live in that scorching state anymore, and a group from Berlin, Germany, who were surprised that I had visited the city in 1986 while part of a bicycle trip in High School.

Small world got even smaller...

Yukon and I are attending the big bruhaha tonight downtown as the Australian band, The Beards (of course) plays for hundreds of competitors and guests. I have a feeling we'll be exhausted tomorrow. Beer and Europeans and music are a recipe for extreme fun.

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