I am spending this week readying myself for an unannounced trip down to Utah; it's been six months since I last saw Wolf.
There are a lot of reasons to visit now, but most of them center around the need for a child to see his mother and vice versa. I don't know if I would have been able to be away from my family for almost a year; Wolf is nothing if not brave.
During this trip, too, there are some questions that need to be asked and options that need to be discussed. Serious, thoughtful discussions that will determine where we are today and where we need to go tomorrow. It's sobering and yet hopeful at the same time.
The piles of books, cards, etc. to take down keeps growing, in spite of my best efforts to keep "stuff" to a minimum. There is the possibility that staff will allow Wolf to accompany me out of the facility for a few hours for some fun time. My guess is that a trip to the book store, the movies, and the hotel swimming pool will be on the agenda. Perhaps a burger at Sonic too, while we're at it.
I will be posting from Utah, and hopefully taking more photos, so keep checking in to see the latest...
I just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I will be praying for you as you go to visit with your son.
As is often the case when we are looking in on someone else's trial, I cannot imagine how it would feel to walk in your shoes. I assume that the Lord gives you the grace you need to face each day.
Glad to hear about your trip. I know it will do your heart good to see him face to face and know he is ok. Can't wait to hear about what you are able to do during your time together.
As the mother of a child with emotional issues I always find great interest in reading more about how things are with Wolf. My heart hurts for you and your family and I will continue to pray for the light at the end of your struggles. You are a good Mama for making hard choices that you feel will help him the most in the long run.
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